On Thursday, October 29th Episode Five of the BILT Academy Podcast went live.
Before we jump into the episode I would like to address you, our listeners directly. We at the BILT Academy Podcast would like to hear your thoughts on previous or future episodes, ideas, kudos or constructive criticism from you directly, so from today on we have opened a direct hotline for you to us on WhatsApp. As this is a podcast, we seek from you voice messages which we can use at the end of future episodes or include them during our Season’s Special. This brings us now to the next announcement, that we will be airing 2 episodes in December. Our correspondent Daniel will be dedicating his podcast to AI in Design before Christmas and the Season’s Special podcast episode will see all our Academy Correspondents, David, Julia and Daniel return with a surprise guest telling us about their research and podcasting experience and responding to the voice messages received from you. So please add us via the WhatsApp invite link or QR code published on our website, linkedin, facebook and record your message for us with your name, country and occupation. We very much look forward to hearing from you!
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Now on to our fifth episode is a BIM Paraxis episode that has been curated by our BILT Academy correspondent Julia and her topic of decentralization is so big it will take two full episodes to cover. This month’s podcast is part 1 and will cover the theoretical and research side of the decentralization topic.
During Julia’s recent work on her graduation project for University, her attention and interest in web-based technology and especially to decentralization increased. This newfound interest lead to her read a book by Yuval Noah Harari, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century (if you aren’t a read you can check out the Talks at Google YouTube Video), in which the opportunities and risks that humans face when they use and rely heavily on unsecured common data environments and web-based platforms such as the Internet is highlighted.
After reading some articles about decentralization in other industries. she was wondered to what extend decentralization of data is already researched and applied in the building industry? She has identified a hand full of experts and academics researching this topic on behalf of all of us in the built environment. And that’s how everything started, and we ended up doing this 2 part podcast.
Although it appears to be such a futuristic topic in the building industry, it is again applied science in other industries, such as life-science or biochemistry. Which could inspire us to learn from others.
For this episode, Julia will be interviewing 2 researchers on decentralizing data in the building industry.
- Mads Holten Rasmussen of NIRAS and a PhD in Linked Building Data.
Mads graduated with an MSc in Architectural Engineering from the Technical University of Denmark in 2013 and has since then been affiliated with the consulting engineering company, NIRAS. For the first three years, he was involved in the design and coordination of mechanical installations in the Axel Towers office house in central Copenhagen. The predominantly manual handling of the extensive project material built up over the years and inspired him to research how it could be made smarter, which led him in the direction of the semantic web and linked data. In 2019 he defended his PhD in this subject and since then he has been working on applying the technologies.
- Jeroen Werbrouck a FWO researcher at Ghent University
Jeroen graduated in 2018 as an MSc in Engineering: Architecture at Ghent University, he participated in the Horizon2020 project BIM4Ren as a researcher at Rheinisch Westfälische Technische Hochschule (abbreviated RWTH) Aachen University. Simultaneously with his appointment as a researcher and lecturing assistant at Ghent University. In late 2019, his PhD research proposal got accepted for funding by Flanders Research Foundation FWO, which has allowed him to work on the project on a daily basis up until today. His main research topic is the setup of infrastructure for data-based, federated building models, based on Semantic Web technologies. Within this context, Jeroen has worked on pattern-based access control in federated Web contexts the use of semantic query language validation of federated data and documenting existing buildings using Linked Data.
Episode Six – Coming November 26th
Be sure to tune in for part 2 of the decentralization topic on our next episode airing November 26th, 2020. In that episode, our BILT Academy correspondent Julia will continue to explore the topic from a practical perspective as we look toward its future use in the built environment with the help of industry experts.
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We would like to thank our podcast technology sponsor BIM Track for their continued support of BILT Academy.