Mentor Announcement #4 Summit 2019

Hi there.

It is my pleasure to announce the fourth mentor who is going to lead the workshop Project Management in OpenBIM.

David Delgado Vendrell


David is an architect (MSc. Arch) by ETSAV (UPC, Polytechnic University of Catalonia), and CEO of DDV (since 2004), a BIM consultancy especially focused on implementing this technology in the public sector and also private companies working in the different stages of the asset life-cycle.

He is a specialist in the use of the ARCHICAD platform and the fostering of openBIM. He is the Director of the Master’s in BIM Management (en, es, pt) of ZIGURAT, Global Institute of Technology, and also collaborates as a lecturer in other BIM educational programs. He is an active member of the BIM User Group of Catalonia (GuBIMCat). He is a member and the Vice-President in Design Area of buildingSMART Spanish Chapter, to whom he represented in the recently closed IUG (International User Group) of buildingSMART International. He also collaborates in the “We Build the Future” Commission of ITEC in Catalonia, in the representation of the CoAC, the national Architects Association. He has co-authored the BIM classification system “GuBIMclass”, an initiative of GuBIMCat and Infraestructures de Catalunya.


We are professionals, with a technical background and rational approach, from a sector immersed in the process of digitization that other industries already addressed years ago.

To embrace this challenge, we undoubtedly should face the involvement of the most critical resource for this process to be successful: people!

In this sense, my primary motivation to be part of BILT Academy as a mentor is to push for the combination of these two aspects: technical and human. For many years now, BIM talks about collaboration. But, most of the times, people don’t have an appropriate response to those collaboration expectations due to a lack of suitable communication skills.

As a person who also loves communication and social interaction, BILT Academy becomes the ideal environment to explore and enhance this aspect: young professionals, highly qualified, interested in innovation and with the desire for real collaboration. It will be a pleasure to be part of it!

KLO1 – The basic of processes within the framework of buildingSMART standards

• Learn which are the main buildingSMART standards, especially about Data and Processes.

• Understand the basics of IDM (Information Delivery Manual), as the international standard for defining the information that should be exchanged between project participants in the AEC project lifecycle.

• Learn the basics of Process Mapping, exchange requirements and BPMN as the standard to represent which is defined in an IDM.

KLO2 – Agile and Scrum as an alternative for an openBIM project management

• Understand how concurrent engineering processes can help to have a suitable response to changes in BIM design stages.

• Learn the basics of Agile Methodology

• Learn in detail what is Scrum and Kanban, as agile approaches: definitions, team members, ceremonies, artifacts, hierarchies, board examples and metrics.

KLO3 – Applying Scrum and Kanban to an openBIM workflow using visual web-based tools

• Learn how to apply Scrum and Kanban methods in digital cloud-based boards, as Trello.

• Explore the main features of Scrum and its relation with usual BIM design workflows using Trello boards, triggers and other complementary tools.

• BIM projects use case.

At the end of this class, students will comprehend and apply how the Agile methodology combined with BIM workflows, instead of a system based on strict rules to develop their designs, becomes a support guide, as alternative project management to their future projects, where the value is the primary goal of the client.


What does openBIM mean to you? In which way is it different from closedBIM workflows in the AEC industry?

We can define openBIM as basically an approach based on BIM collaborative processes in which data exchanges occur using open and neutral standards (not proprietary). ClosedBIM processes are wrongly seen as the opposite of openBIM ones. Beyond that controversial binomial, there is a distinctive border, which is the one between native environments (editable ones) vs QC environments (at least, read-only). When we are producing deliverables from BIM authoring platforms, our environment is mostly native. If there is some workflow in which we are using some open standards (such as IFC or BCF), then we could say that there is an openBIM collaborative framework. In my opinion, the “model as a reference” approach, in which openBIM is based, should be the critical point of any BIM collaborative process which must assure and guarantee authorship, data access across the life cycle and data quality-driven results.

To combine technology and humanity, you are planning on using appropriate communication/collaboration methods, based on openBIM standards eg buildingSmart standards. in what way are they different/more efficient compared to conventional standards/closed BIM workflows?

In my opinion, one of the fields in which openBIM, and especially the use of IFC, enables the best performance is in Quality Control within the framework of BIM coordination processes. Many of BIM technicians are applying excellent QA methods within their native environments. Nonetheless, BIM authoring tools can hide or disrupt some results due to their own internal data architecture. In that sense, we can produce or export these data into an IFC Schema-based models; in other words, a neutral and non-propietary file, to validate them. That enables us to put the QC focus on specific standardized property subsets, without the risk of dealing with native misleading data. And this is where a consistent Information Delivery Plan (IDM, another openBIM standard) is needed, which documents exchanges of information in a project.

In which steps/phases of a project do you see the most relevant usage of project management tools, such as Scrum and Kanban?

Design stage, whether in early phases or more advanced ones, is the suitable one to apply Agile methodologies. The results of this stage are the ones in which the client (or the owner) has the biggest expectation. Although designers start their projects with an initial quite-well defined project requirements, it is usually a phase exposed to high levels of changes during the whole period. Agile methodologies enable those professionals to interact in a more flexible, efficient and effective way, not just among the team, but especially with the client.

What is the most important message you want to hand over to the students attending your lab?

Whether if we are good creating a well-performed work breakdown structures in response and following apparent immutable client requirements, what I would like to show that it is quite easy to change our habits. And it starts with ourselves, in our daily practices using friendly tools within the framework of more flexible collaborative practices. We need to adapt our procedures using BIM, as methodology based on digital technologies, in combination with client-oriented project management approaches if we think that value is the crucial factor which client prioritize.

Mentor Announcement #3 Summit 2019

Hi there,

I am very glad to announce the third mentor for the upcoming BILT Academy Summit 2019 who is going to mentor the class Design to BIM, BIM Strategy and Model Management!


Claudio Vittori Antisari


Claudio has a master’s degree in architecture and is specialized in BIM and Computational Design. He is the founder of Strategie Digitali srl a Computational BIM and Project Management consulting firm based in Milan, Italy. During his last 10 years of experience, he has had the opportunity to work in different BIM roles in different world areas: from BIM researcher to BIM consultant up to BIM manager. This exposure has given him a deep understanding of the BIM process for architectural offices. Nowadays he spends most of his time helping companies improving efficiency and effectiveness in building design. He participates actively in the BIM national and international debate, taking part in BIM-related events and conferences, participating in university research groups, and giving his consultancy to governance projects. 


The BILT Conference in one of the most important events for professionals in the construction industry aiming to improve their knowledge in Digital Design Technologies and to meet people from everywhere in the world. Nowadays there are very few places that can keen a friendly and open atmosphere and at the same time while delivering high-level classes and contents. For this reason, when I got the invite to teach at BILT Academy I immediately accepted. It will be a pleasure to contribute to show this wonderful environment to the new generation of designers and construction professionals.    

KLO1 – BIM vs Conceptual Design: Best Friends or Enemies? 

  • Understand advantages and criticalities of BIM when used in the conceptual design phase
  • Learn how to break down a project brief into a series of BIM related objectives. 
  • Understand BIM Model Uses, data and information production for the conceptual design phase. 

KLO2 – Does your model reflects your ideas? Setting up a BIM Model for the conceptual design stage. 

  • Learn the basics of model management
  • Learn how to translate a BIM Objective into actions on your Revit Model
  • Learn how to create data suitable for the conceptual design stage

KLO3 – Data evaluation, review and strategies for a better evaluation  

  • Learn how to evaluate data from conceptual design in BIM
  • Learn what is an Asset Model 
  • Learn the real benefits available from a full application of BIM to a conceptual design stage


1. Why is it important in your opinion to connect the Conceptual Design Stage of a project with Building Information Modelling?

There is a big misconception about the usage of BIM in the conceptual design stage, and moreover the usage of design technologies in that stage. We don’t aim to use digital design tool to replace the designer creativity. We need to use BIM in the design stage to produce data-informed design and to use data to evaluate and test our ideas. We want to use data in real-time to improve our design thanks to data-informed decisions. We want to use BIM in this stage to improve democracy in the design stage, with one is the best proposal for a competition? not everything in architecture can be measured, but many factors can be measured, and provide support to choose the better design.      

2. How does Design influence Asset Management in a later project stage?

Well, here the term “garbage in, garbage out” fits very well. In the design stage, we make decisions that will heavily influence the entire life span of a building. Is never too early to start planning of an efficient, comfortable and sustainable building.  

3. What is your personal goal to achieve with teaching/lecturing at the BILT Academy? What should the student learn of it, with which achievement should the student leave your class at the end of the day?

Since my first days in college, I had the luck to meet teachers that always encourage me to share knowledge. They were doing it, and they were pushing students to do the same. In our world sharing knowledge is the key to improve yourself while you are giving your little contribution to improve the world. When I was a student I was really looking at people presenting at BILT as the global organization for professionals in the AEC Industry.  Being part of BILT Academy is an honor for me, and it means a lot. What I can say to the BILT Academy students?  Choose your path, experiment, choose your teacher, do not follow only the traditional path for education. Come to see what I learn in my journey, that the pieces you need and keep growing.  

Mentor Announcement #7

Is it time to reveal one more mentor, and we are very proud and happy to announce that it is the one and only ….

… Marzia Bolpagni!

Bio and Motivation

Marzia is a Building Engineer, Strategic BIM Advisor at Mace and a PhD Candidate at Politecnico di Milano.

Having plenty of experience both in research and in practice, Marzia is a big part of the international BIM Society- a member of BIM Excellence Initiative, Assistant Editor and Italian Language Editor of the BIM Dictionary, member of the Italian Organization for Standardization (UNI) CT 033/GL 05 and the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) TC 442 working groups on Building Information Modelling, UK BIM Alliance and mentor at the BILT Academy. Currently also the leader of the Task Group on LOD at the European Committee for Standardisation CEN TC 442 WG2 coordinating experts from 11 countries, worked as BIM researched at VTT (Finland), ITC-CNR (Italy), and presented her work in BIMLUX in Luxembourg, Digital Construction Brussels, ICEBIM in the UK, BIMAarhus in Denmark and BIMtecnia is Spain.

Marzia has felt highly motivated to be a mentor at BILT Academy since the very early days- believing that communication in a community, sharing of knowledge and education is a great way to go when talking about BIM implementation. As a person who spent a lot of time herself in the university and received plenty of mentoring and guidance, Marzia believes that students should use the opportunity to meet highly skilled professionals and colleagues, learn best practices at international level and familiarise themselves with international affairs in AEC fields. After all, Marzia is highly grateful for all the help she has received and simply cannot wait to give back to the future generation of professionals.

Don’t wait to kick off your knowledge in BIM now and join Marzia for her workshop!

Key Learning Objective and the Workshop

When we talk about BIM, there are three important parts- technology, process and policy. Technology is widely used every day and it is easy to find tutorials, but how about policy and process? During the workshop Marzia will discuss the ‘other two’- process and policy fields.

  • How important is process and policy field?
  • What is the document process, regulations and standards on an international level?
  • What is a BIM Execution plan and how to create it?

The workshop will focus on examples from different countries, the students will get an opportunity to work on a BIM Execution plan together with Marzia, understand the structure and most important parts of it and review it together.


Mentor Announcement #6

A proper model organization including model control via clash detections are one of the most important topics when it comes to appropriate model management.  We, the BILTAcademy are more than happy to announce its fifth and sixth mentor, Arik and Moty, who is going to hold a workshop table on this topic (Lab3). Coming especially from Israel in order to participate at the BILTEurope and BILTAcademy Summit. Many thanks to you, we are looking much forward.

Arik Shiby

Founder & CEO of WeBIM Ltd.                                                  


As the CEO of WeBIM, the leading company regarding BIM in Israel, Arik is a specialist when it comes to model and project management. With his broad knowledge and ambition, he started 2015 to establish and manage BIM Israel Forum. It aims to unite all the companies from the building and infrastructure industry to create a local BIM standard (Israel). Recently, he founded the REAL BIM FORUM which brings together all the BIM manager to enhance dialogue and cooperation in the assimilation of BIM in the industry.

Personal Motivation

Arik is involved in the architectural and building industry in Israel for over 25 years, first as senior design lecturer at the SADNA environmental college in Tel Aviv, and after as the AEC (Architectural, engineering, construction) industry product manager for 17 years. As the leading persona of the BIM scene in Israel and through his experiences in lecturing at colleges and preparing and conducting professional conferences for hundreds of participants, his passion for educating students about BIM technologies is part of his DNA.


Mentor Announcement #5

Moty Vaknin

CTO at WeBIM Ltd.                                                                              


Moty Vaknin Is a CTO at WeBIM, a Company based in Israel. WeBIM is an innovative company that has a strong passion to improve the construction industry by applying BIM methodology throughout the whole project lifecycle. Moty also is an education manager for ATC (Autodesk Training Centre) and education manager for AAP (Autodesk Academic Centre) in Israel. With over 10 years working and training in BIM Platform, Moty is one of the forerunners of the BIM revolution in Israel,

Personal Motivation

As someone who has been a part of the BIM community for over 10 years and has taught hundreds of students, I am aware of the impact that the BILT Academy will have on the next generation of the construction industry. I am looking forward to sharing my knowledge regarding BIM methodology 3D-7D and hopefully inspire the next generation to take BIM one step further.

WeBIM at the BILT Academy Summit 2018

Arik and Moty are going to give a workshop table within 3x75min. Their aim is it to showcase students the importance of model management.

We show the type of issues and how we manage all the issues between teams. How does an appropriate model exchange look like? How is it possible to conduct accuracy and how to use clash detection tools within this term?

Key learning Objective

  • Understand the clash detection method, how and when the clash detection has to be done within a building execution process.
  • Explore the importance of doing a clash detection while comparing 3Dmodels before and after doing the clash.
  • Understand how we are managing all the issues between team and consultant.

Collaborative Design for Students

The first quarter at my University is over; this means a lot of nice projects and research papers have been finished within the last 2 weeks.

One of these courses is Collaborative Design which I would like to present to you within this blogpost.

The main approach was it to collaborate within one Consortium existing out of three companies, Architects, Urban Planners and Structural Engineers. The task was it to create within only eight weeks a development project in Strijp T, an industrial area in Eindhoven. This should include a Project management plan, a design including 3D model, IFC based, and a communication platform.  The main focus was it to concentrate on how to collaborate and create a multi and interdisciplinary working environment. In fact, we were all somehow familiar with the BIM methodology but everyone within their own profession. This is why I would like to show you how we approached this task and made it happen to collaborate altogether within one working environment.

  1. Setting up a Project Management Plan

We used the online environment Relatics in order to set up our project management. There are several parts included which I am going to show you with this graph below:

#1 Project Requirements:

It includes all of the municipality’s vision goals. What needs to be developed and why, including all requirements such as functionalities and buildings properties, size, area, material etc.

#2 Organization Hierarchy:

Includes all participating companies in there set up and functionality towards the project.

#3 Process Breakdown (Process Mapping)

This is one of the most important parts for organizing a project in first place. Most consultancies are creating process plans and event-logs in order to keep track of the whole building planning, modelling and realization process. This allows comparing the “as-planned” situation with the “as-modeled” and “as-built”.  For the process planning we used the software Visio.

The second big challenge within a project was how to set up an appropriate 3D BIM model, especially how to organize and manage it.

  1. Model Management

Every company in our consortium, Architects, Urban Planners and Engineers, had one file in which every team member had access to and could work in. We decided to export weekly all three files to IFC and upload it to the BIM Server.  This allowed us to present it easily towards the professor to show how our design progress was.

An additional solution for managing and organizing the workflow within each company’s model, we decided to use BIMCollab, the BCFmanager. It’s a very handy tool in order to communicate within a bigger project; you can assign tasks and issues towards specifically chosen persons and can so keep track of your models development.  Additionally due to its BCF file format it can be read as IFC from almost every AEC software. This allowed us also to upload the IFC models including the BCF report on the BIM Server.

In this graph bellow a common workflow is visualized. Three 3D models, explained in all Level of Development, steady IFC and BCF exports of each model plus collecting all models together on the BIM Server.


If you wanna know more about it don´t hesitate to contact me or to read the full research paper on issuu.

BIM for students. Why and how to start?


What used to be a transition from 2D to 3D, BIM implementation has become a revolution in AEC building industry. Current trends in the industry should be an important part of any AEC student’s education, and it is crucial to become familiar with software and processes used in nowadays professional life. But how can one learn about BIM if it is not offered in most of the curriculums? This is a problem that we are trying to fix, so if you are a student who is eager to use the newest technology and BIM, continue following BILT Academy and our blog.

Why this topic?

In this blog series, I will try to cover advantages, workflows and implementation strategies that students should use in their school projects to get familiar with the BIM process. The information supplied in this blog is based on knowledge and experience from me, my colleagues, and will feature interviews and quotations from various professionals.

Why to worry about BIM while being a student? There are many advantages to that:

  • Higher chance of getting hired for internships/jobs
  • Helps you produce drawings more efficiently
  • Allows you to access various visualisation and analysis tools
  • Easy collaboration in group work
  • Clash detection
  • Less duplication of work

I have personally used Revit during my bachelor studies and it has helped me reduce drawing production time tremendously. Fast drawing production means more time for studying and… that so-long-needed nap.

What is ‘BIM’?

So now that we know the advantages of using BIM, let’s start with the main question- what is BIM?

Put simply, BIM- Building Information Modelling is a process, used in all AEC fields, starting from construction management spanning to visualisations and facility management. It’s a software application, which brings efficiency and better control of the project through 3D visualisation, data management, simulation and other tools. The National Building Specification released a great and fun visual representation of BIM elements:

BIM periodic table

You can read more about the Periodic Table of BIM elements here:

BIM means to not only input the information, but to also extract it later on, analyse it, use it during construction and after the handover. During these blog series, we will discuss and elaborate on various aspects and applications of BIM.

Where to start?

There are many ways to learn, however, practice shows to be highly efficient when it comes to software and BIM. First of all, I would highly suggest looking up various blogs, trainings and conference recordings, which are available online. Secondly, try a practical approach- working in groups, ideally multidisciplinary based on school assignments and projects.

Here are links to Autodesk University and Academy, where you can find many videos on BIM, depending on your field of expertise:

You can also watch many videos posted on Youtube from various universities, seminars and conferences.

Check out the links to get familiar with main definition of BIM and terminology and see you soon! Stay updated on BIM and technology news on weekly BILT Academy blog!

Are you a student experiencing issues on understanding or implementing BIM? Write us an email via our blog and we will try to answer your questions in our next blog entries!