
Our Team

Daniel Plazza

Daniel developed a strong passion for the digitalized construction industry from an early age studying at the Technical College for surveying in Italy. After his bachelor’s degree in Architecture at the Graz University of Technology, he continued his academic career with a Joint Study Exchange Year at the College of Architecture & Urban Planning of the Tongji University (Shanghai, China). Since then Daniel has been attending his master studies in architecture at the Graz University of Technology where he is also a lecturer in the subject of software-based building modelling. As part of this study program, he has worked on a research project on the standardized implementation of BIM in public administration at the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft in Italy.  He now continues this activity in Graz, where he collaborates with the Working Group Sustainable Construction in researching new methods for a BIM-based Building Permit Process.

Contact: Email:

Julia Kaltenegger

Julia is working in the field of AEC since her early years. She started a technical college for interior design and encouraged her fundamental knowledge in the field of construction and detailing. After her bachelor’s degree in architecture at the Graz University of Technology [AUT], she continued working in the field of software development and BIM execution planning in the Netherlands. Since 2021 she graduated from the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/E) [NL], specialising in urban systems, real estate and construction management engineering. She is now working as a research assistant at TU/E in the institute for information systems in the built environment. Besides that, she is applying the research developments by working for LivingRommCraftZ on digital building and information modelling to optimize data and process management. Striving for a more sustainable built environment, the focus point in her future career will be the efficient integration of environmental and economically feasible design and decision support tools in an emerging digital technology AEC industry.

Contact: Email:
LinkedIn: Julia Kaltenegger

Silvia Taurer “The BIM Mama”

Silvia founded LRCZ in 2008 and is a founding member of the RTC Europe Foundation since 2012. She first got exposed to the concept of BIM or integrated planning as a contractor for the emerging Revit platform in early 2007 and since then wholeheartedly embraces the vision on creating a better future for the generations ahead by extensively utilizing unbiased collaborative thinking. She is a free spirit and lateral thinker; combining industry knowledge, managerial assets and clear vision. By doing so, Silvia has contributed to conferences such as RTC Europe and BiLT Europe as well as influenced other industry related events, shaping the individuality of those. Silvia inspires with her energy and drivenness – propelling the collaborative goal of integrated planning.

Contact: Email:
LinkedIn: Silvia Taurer

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