Mentor announcement 2022 #5

Luis and Pedro are going to lead the workshop 5 Introduction to Parametric Design with Grasshopper 3d.

Luis E. Fraguada

Luis Fraguada is a developer at McNeel Europe, specializing in AEC applications, interoperability, 3d on the web, and 3rd party developer support. Luis joined McNeel Europe in 2015 and is currently developing on several projects, including rhino3dm and Rhino.Compute. Luis also helps to manage the development of Food4Rhino, a platform for 3rd party developers to share their apps and resources with the Rhino community. In addition to this role, Luis initiated and manages McNeel Europe’s participation in EU Funded research projects including Innochain, V4Design, MindSpaces, and Ecolopes.

Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortés is a developer and technical support specialist at McNeel Europe. Since he joined the company in 2021, he is involved in the development of several projects, including Rhino.Inside Revit. Pedro also has experience as a Rhino and Grasshopper trainer, coordinating the Training Course for Resellers and participating as a teacher in events and workshops. In addition, Pedro collaborates in Food4Rhino webinars, a series of talks in which professionals and experts share their advances in the use of new technologies (AI, ML) with McNeel tools (Grasshopper, Rhino.Compute, Rhino.Inside).4

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